The Discourse About Societal Security
Society recognition and its sustain factors, form the main axis of sociological theories. There are some questions here to be answered.
What elements does the society rely on and what mechanisms are used in its affairs?
What are the factors that guarantee the continuation and stature of the society?
How is it possible to mobilize the components and elements of the society to serve its goals and realize having access to long interests?
Despite of the existence of these disturbances in sociology, why doesn’t it provide any platforms for introducing the issue of security?
Don’t sociologists really care about watching and protecting the society?
Does the society, like any other social phenomenon, require to be protected from dangers and risks?
How might different forms of growth and evolution explained, but not to pay attention to different aspects of insecurity?
And in the transition period and forms of quiet and without struggle society explain?
In response, one should say that some traces of security – related issues can be found in sociologists’ ideas based on order and stability factors of the society.
But what is clear, is that security is not paid attention to as an independent social phenomenon and has been always in the sideline of issues such as solidarity, balance, consensus and so on.
But following some issues such as ethnic separatists, sectarian violence, organized drug trafficking and addiction, poverty, paying attention to social backgrounds leading to security and insecurity because Necessary for the society and realization of security in the framework of social relations individuals, groups and organizations – had been paid attention to therefore, having a different vision about security, whether in terms of responsibility to scientific questions and /or in terms of meeting the social requirements and establishment of interaction and relative consensus among social scientists, people and heads of formal and informal organizations to solve the above – mentioned problems and pave the ground for development of the society, is significant necessity and importance, Sociologic presentation and identification of security.
would require recognition and determination of the position of security in sociologic approaches and interaction and exchange of right and proper opinion with scientist involved in security studies.
The philosophy behind this article is providing a rather comprehensive theoretical pattern concerning societal security.
Reviewing the terminology of security and society and taking into consideration the viewpoint of prominent sociologists namely August Comte, Emil Durkheim, Carl Marx and Talcoot Parsons regarding the nature and factors of society continuation, the definition of societal security is stressed and in order to make operational the mental and identical roots of security in small and large scale and possibility of evaluating societal security points to some general indices.
Since the indices would be easily matched with the characteristics of the assessed social unit, it is the result of incorporating the theoretical and practical levels, Later, the position of societal security will be clarified through having a glance at the findings of security studies researchers.
The views of Barry Buzan, Ole Waever, Bjorn Moller and Robert Mandel have been used in this connection.
The closing part of the article is allocated to explaining common and distinctive aspects of these two group’s views. Employing the resulted data, the achieved pattern, from societal security point of view, is approved.