The Analysis of Relationship between Societal Security and Life Style
This article studies the impact of societal security on life style, with the assumption that life style could be categorized into two modes: mandatory and voluntary, and it is based upon two basic aspects: proportion of personal choice / social necessity, and proportion of covert / overt representation of behaviors.
Societal security index was also made on two aspects; occupational security and prestige security.
This research is a survey research and studied sample was included 2160 persons that were obtained by cluster sampling using Cochran formula from people older than 25 years habitant in Tehran.
The “t” test was used for analyzing data.
Findings show that people with higher societal security belong to voluntary life style and people with less societal security had mandatory life style.
People with less occupational security, organized their life styles under social necessities and pressures; also people with less prestige security have more refusal in representing their overt behaviors and tend to covert behaviors.
Thus, voluntary life style is generally a function of societal security and also aspects of societal security have meaningful impact on aspects of voluntary life style.
Keywords: societal security, occupational security, prestige security, voluntary and mandatory life style.